“While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.”
TRUE / FALSE: Relationship is the glue to Marriage. Family. Friendship. Community. Country. Religion.
If/when relationship breaks down, we are left with?
[Give a short description]
The foundation of any relationship is?
a. Love (this is what I mean by love)
b. Something else.
c. Science.
d. Me
If you chose a. Love. What is the foundation of my love of [the other]?
a. Because I’m a really nice person.
b. Because they’re a really nice person.
c. To get something out of it.
d. Because of the incredible dignity of every person (this is what I mean by dignity)
e. to fulfill some need I have
The foundation of the incredible dignity of every person is?
a. The fact that we are all made of, and from, the same stuff (physical and spiritual).
b. The fact that we all know and experience the same stuff (suffering, joy, and everything in-between).
c. The fact that we all have knowing, loving, and good-ness, inside us.
d. that fact that we all are like God, in some way.
e. all of the above.
So therefore, TRUE or FALSE: Relationship, which is the glue of family/culture/society, is based on love, which is based on the incredible dignity of every human person, which is based on the fact that we are all human and divine in someway.
So why is sin Bad?
Because all and any SIN:
and/or just-could-care-less about the dignity of the other, and ourselves (and God)
Which destroys love - which destroys relationship - which breaks down family, culture and society.
This is why it’s bad.
BONUS QUESTION: What is the anti-dote for sin?