“It is no longer about my strength, only His.”
Marx: religion as, “the opiate for the masses”.
Even though today we have taken this phrase out of its original context, with perception being what it is, the question remains, is religion (Christianity) an opiate for the masses?
Opiates are an artificial means to a high used to ease or escape some current affliction for temporary relief. So the question is…
Is Christianity artificial?
Many would say: YES. Ironically, Marx would not. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Karl Marx wasn’t an atheist, but rather, just against God. However, the argument that Christianity is a “fake” is a difficult one to make given today’s scholarship. We may disagree on is Jesus Divine or not, but to say He was completely invented is an argument that no longer holds its ground. (For more on this watch the video: I don’t believe in God because I think it was all made up.)
Is religion a “high”?
For some, Yes. Religion is just another feel good pill, or, something I do to make myself feel better. While a relationship with God does provide much consolation, it’s not about this. And if we get hooked on the consolations, then Marx is right. If we are in it merely just to feel good, then we may need to reexamine our motives just as if we would if we were in a marriage merely to feel good. There is so much more. God doesn't want us to get hooked on the feel good, he wants us to get hooked on Him, just as your spouse doesn’t want you to get hooked on him/her just because they make you feel good… but because you love them.
Is religion an escape?
Religion is about as far away from an escape as San Diego is from say… Pluto. In fact, a relationship with God is the anti-escape. It’s more like a giant 1000x magnifying mirror that reveals even the most hidden blemishes and blackheads of our soul. It only when we see them, that can we remove them once and for all. God will provide the tools (and this doesn’t always feel good).
Do you really think she did it just for a high or to escape?
Is religion temporary?
For many of us… unfortunately, it is. We are temporary creatures. Hot/cold, in/out, micro attention spans, bored easily and disenchanted even easier. In fact, everything is temporary: our relationships, our ups our downs, the good things, the bad things, our life, our cultures, our universe and everything in it… is temporary. The only thing that is not temporary… is God, and your soul.
Freud: religion as, wishful thinking.
Freud speculated that it was our early, collective psychology of - neediness - that projected the “illusion” of an idyllic, benevolent, loving father, to comfort us from the harsh realities of life, protect us from our violence, and forgive us of our guilt.
And he was probably right… about countless ancient myths, beliefs and their deities. But this is not Jesus. Jesus was a living, breathing, historical, figure who walked the earth at a specific time, in a specific place, was recorded and followed to this very day. Jesus is no psychological projection just as Abraham Lincoln is no projection.
However, isn’t it interesting that Freud, the father of psychology, identified our deepest psychological need to be loved, to be comforted, to be protected, and to be forgiven. It is the human condition.
The Real Illusion
Maybe it is not God that our psychology projects, but rather the image of strength that is the illusion. We are unceasingly bombarded by these images… aren’t these the artificial, the escapes, the opiates of the masses? And maybe it’s when we can shed this image, like throwing down a heavy armor, and are - ok in our weakness - that God can finally get through to the flesh, un-impeded. And once he is in, he brings his strength with Him. And then we are strong. And it is in this sense, that God is for the weak.