“Know Him, Know God”
How do I know God… (if I wanted to get to know God)
God knows you already. God knows everything about you. God knew you before there was time and space, when you were just an idea in his mind. And he has loved us, just the same ever since. But God wants us to know Him. And His wish is for us to one day fall in love with Him. This relationship is the essence of religion. So what would be the best way for God to reveal Himself so that we could know him, so that, we might fall in love with Him.
Sure, God is all powerful and could stop time and pull back the sky and reveal Himself as is, but would we love Him or, just fear Him? God could cause all kinds of unexplained cosmic phenomenon, but can we know and relate to permanent lights flashing in the skies? God could show himself to each of us, individually. But wouldnt that be a practicality nightmare? When would he do it, at what age? Would we all just be sitting around anticipating the moment God appears in my life? God could just, make us know him, like a built in feature. But hat isn’t love. Love requires choice, intent, and most of all, freedom.
If you loved someone dearly, and they didn’t know you, how would you reveal yourself to them? Isn’t the best way just to introduce yourself? And not as some person of high status, and aires of power and prestige, but just as a regular, humble, human being. God is not looking for our admiration, but for our hearts.
But how would we know this humble man is in fact, God? First, he could pre-announce his coming. No other human being in the history of the world was ever, pre-announced. And second, this is where all those miracles come in. They are just signs that say… He is the one.
God is not interested in an army of blind, robotic, believers. If He was, he would have came in any of these other ways. God is interested in entering a love affair… with you, with me, with everyone, making us all one big family. United.
Me: “How do I know you, God?”
Jesus: “If you know me, you know the father…” Jn 14:7
What does this mean for believers?
It means every single thing Christ said and did, must be read/heard in the context of: THIS IS GOD ON EARTH.
It means every word we read/hear in the old testament, in some way points to: GOD COMING TO THIS EARTH AS JESUS CHRIST.
It means whenever we are wondering, why doesn’t God just show himself… as Philip wondered 2000 years ago… we only need Christ’s response: If you see me, you see Him.
It means that, the God that is holding the entire Universe into existence at this very instant, became a tiny human being like you and I, so that we could know Him (and have a relationship with Him).
Do I believe this?
What Does this mean if I don’t really believe in God?
I think, at the very least, it’s a challenge, to forget about “organized” religion just for a minute, and with a clean slate just ask myself… what if?
It means God and therefore religion (Christianity) is not about an ideology, a philosophy, a set of teachings, laws and rules and regulations, it’s about a relationship with a LIVING PERSON in God.
It means, religion is nothing more than - an open invitation to enter into a relationship with this LIVING PERSON. It must never be forced.
Know that I wish you peace with whatever you choose.