What are we searching for?
What are we Searching For?
From the mind and voice of Bl. Fulton Sheen, ("Life is Worth Living") comes this excerpt about what we are made for, what we are searching for, and the definition of God… re-imagined by IMbeggar.
The audio is owned by the Fulton Sheen Company.
The soon to be best app on your phone (and it’s free)
An audio collection of almost 300 talks of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, the great 20th Century Catholic preacher, writer, and radio and television personality, who died in 1979 and is soon to be Beatified in the process of becoming a canonized saint in the Catholic Church. Experience his famous, captivating voice that inspired millions, and is still inspiring listeners, to draw closer to Jesus Christ. You will see why he was admired by people of all religions.