“Kindness is the overflowing of self on others.”
“I pass through this world but once. If, therefore, there is any good that I can do, any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now; let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again”.
-Fr Lasance, My Prayer Book, Page 65
Some thoughts on kindness:
The worst kinds of unhappiness, as well as the greatest amount of it, come from our conduct to each other. If our conduct, therefore, were under the control of kindness, the state of the world be almost reversed.
Kindness adds sweetness to everything.
Of great consequence, is the immense power of kindness in bringing out the good points of the characters of others.
A kind act has picked up many a fallen man who has afterward slain his tens of thousands of demons and become conqueror.
Kindness has converted more hearts than either zeal, eloquence, or learning; and these last three have never converted anyone unless they were done with kindness.
Kindness is infectious. One kind act leads to another. Our example is followed. This is the greatest work which kindness does to others: it makes them kind themselves.
A proud man is seldom a kind one. Humility makes us kind. And kindness makes us humble.
A kind man is never self-occupied. He is genial, he is sympathetic, he is brave.
Let kindness become a habitual disposition of the heart, ready to manifest itself without any effort, at all times, in all seasons.
One who habitually has kind thoughts of others is not far from being a saint.
Let kindness flow from your heart naturally, like scent from a flower, like song from a bird.
Like the sun, let our kindness shine down on both the good and bad alike.
Without kindness, even charitable works loose their power.
How many noble a work was nipped in the bud by the blast of an unkind judgment.
How many holy aspirations destined to bear abundant fruit has been forced back into the heart from which it came becuase of unkindness.
How much has been lost in the world of all that is good and great and beautiful through the instrument of unkindness.
Kindness is the outcome of: love your neighbor as yourself.