Why do I feel so empty?
Why do I feel so empty?
Feeling bored, unfulfilled, like there’s a giant hole right inside me? Join the club, the emptiness is inevitable. The fact is, we were all made with a giant, bottomless, unlimited, never-ending, infinite sized hole inside us. And only something that is bottomless, unlimited, never-ending and infinite, can fill it.
I object to this.
I’ve heard from many who have said, I was onboard with the first part of this, but I am offended by that last part. Or. This video was great… right up until the end. I think what’s at the heart of the objection is the thought: so you’re saying only those who believe in God can be fulfilled? So the question is: can I be fulfilled without God? And the answer is, yes and no. Please let me explain.
Would you agree that what really fulfills us, what it all boils down to is: LOVE/TRUTH/GOODNESS. LOVE as in family, marriage, kids, friends, giving, helping one another, etc. TRUTH as in knowledge, learning, understanding, wisdom, and figuring out of life’s little secrets. And what is GOOD as in that thing, what ever it may be, that is right, that lifts up and bears fruit, and that is opposed to - all the things, that are not Good. And it is true we can be fulfilled in all these these things, even if we dont believe in God.
We would just say, that God is LOVE, TRUTH, and GOODness. So anytime we are fulfilled by the love of a child or a friend, we are in a sense, being filled with God. And when we discover some truth that enriches our world and our outlook, we are being enriched by God. And when we are moved by some goodness we see in another or even in ourselves, we are being moved by God.
So to say, we don’t need God to be fulfilled, to us is kind of like saying, we don’t need the source of all fulfillment, to be fulfilled.